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When to Spend Money on Your Appearance

Updated: Sep 13, 2021

The average woman spends about $313 per month on her physical appearance, while the average man spends about $244. This includes clothing, make-up, hair, nails, grooming and cosmetic treatments.

Are people spending too much on their looks? Or is this money worth it? It depends a lot on individual circumstances. There are times when you should splurge on your appearance. There are also times when it’s very much a bad idea. This post explains when you should spend money on your looks.

Your health is an investment not an expense

It’s a matter of health, not just appearance

There are times when working on your appearance can also be a way of fixing up your health. Treating tooth decay is an example of this. Not only will your teeth look better afterwards, but it could also help to stop the spread of infection. All in all, if you’ve got a cavity, don’t feel that getting it filled is a waste of money - looking into treatment at sites like could be a way of preventing infection as well as improving your smile.

Skincare treatment and weight loss operations are other examples of things that affect your appearance and health, and may be worth spending money on.

I'm working on a new me not because the old me is bad but because the old me can improve

You’re doing it for yourself and not just other people

Ultimately, any kind of fashion or beauty treatment that you invest in should be for your own satisfaction. For some people, things like make-up, nail art and fashion are not just forms of expression, but hobbies - in these cases you’re not just investing in your appearance, but also your happiness. Certain expenses to do with appearance could also be a means of boosting confidence. Getting cosmetic surgery such as a facelift could be a way of making yourself feel better (in fact, studies such as this one offer evidence that cosmetic surgery can be great for improving psychosocial wellbeing).

You should be wary of investing in your appearance simply to please others. This could include buying clothing or getting cosmetic procedures solely because it’s what a partner wants. If you don’t feel comfortable and don’t feel it’s ‘you’, don’t spend money on it. It’s okay to experiment with certain fashion or styles that other people have recommended, but there shouldn’t EVER be any pressure from other people.

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You can afford to spend money on yourself

Like any passion, it can become unhealthy once it starts resulting in mounting debts. If you find yourself taking out more and more loans for cosmetic treatments or you’re amassing huge credit card bills from all the clothes you’re buying, you may want to start easing back.

Your appearance is not worth getting into debt for. Make sure you’ve got a budget set aside to avoid overspending. When it comes to expensive cosmetic procedures, take the time to save up for them. Alternatively, if you don’t have the time to save, explore other more affordable options. This could include borrowing luxury clothing you’re only going to wear once instead of buying it or using make-up and clothing tricks to conceal blemishes or accentuate parts of your body.

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