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How Your Environment Can Affect Your Wellbeing

It’s astonishing how much our surroundings can affect us, both physically and psychologically. We may not even be aware of it, and in fact, most people are unaware. They often question why they are ill or why they have got a sickness or condition when their environment is to blame. When it comes to your mental health, the environment can be much more damaging, and it is crucial to understand what can happen and how to change how you are feeling.

circles of control - control, influence, can't control

No Control

The fact that there are certain things in our immediate surroundings over which we have no control can frequently lead to significant stress levels. The reason for this isn’t the thing itself, whatever it might be, but the sheer fact that we have to let things play out. It could be too much light, noise, heat, or even crowds, all of which can be major stresses for people depending on their environment and specific emotional or mental health concerns.

If you find yourself feeling out of control and there is nothing you can do about the situation, the best course of action is to leave. Go outdoors or leave the venue to get some fresh air, go for a walk, or just be alone for a bit if you can’t go anywhere else. You might feel ready to return after you have a moment to recover, or you may opt to go home if it’s all too much. The decision is yours, and it will be influenced by how you are feeling. The essential thing to remember is that you don’t have to stay in a situation that makes you feel ill or uneasy.

bright light

Bright Light

Bright lighting can exacerbate or aggravate any bad feelings you might be experiencing. It can make you feel tense and anxious, regardless of whether it’s natural or artificial, and it can disrupt sleep patterns, making things worse. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body and brain are unable to restore themselves, and healing takes much longer. You will feel sick and lethargic, and your productivity will suffer as a result. In addition to this, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and other health problems.

If you often need to visit areas with intense lighting, make sure you always carry a pair of sunglasses with you. Wearing them, whether indoors or outdoors, will offer you the respite you need to keep going and not let your wellbeing suffer.

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You may not know it, but the color scheme of a space can have a direct influence on your mood, as well as your emotional and mental health in the long run. Blue colors are thought to make people feel tranquil and quiet, while green is said to help with focus. On the other hand, reds and oranges might elicit emotions of anxiousness and even rage. What is the room's color where you sleep or spend a lot of time? If the color is harmful to you, consider repainting or putting up new wallpaper in a different hue that will be more beneficial to you.

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The design of a building can make it simpler or more difficult to engage socially, and whether this is a positive thing or not for you will depend on what your anxiety levels are like in general. Some people find they love to be with other people, and a crowd is not an issue, whereas others hate it more than anything, especially if they have been hurt in a crowd and needed a personal injury law firm to help deal with the aftermath.

If crowds are an issue for you and the layout of the building you’re in means you can’t help but be with lots of other people at least some of the time you’re there, there are certain things you can do to ease your fear and anxiety. Breathing exercises that help you to calm down and concentrate are incredibly beneficial, at least in the short term, as is having a solid support network of people you can call or even accompany you to these areas. Crowds will become much easier to cope with after you’ve discovered a solution that works for you, and you won’t suffer as much.

woman smelling bouquet of yellow flowers


Smell is one of the essential senses since it has the ability to directly alter our mood; the olfactory system is linked to the limbic system (which is where emotions are regulated). Just a whiff of a perfume that reminds us of something from our childhood, for example, might kick off a complicated sequence of emotions, both positive and negative. Surround yourself with aromas that make you happy to guarantee that your emotions are only impacted in a positive manner.

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The information in this post is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about women's wellness and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not a substitute for medical or health advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For the full Disclaimer, please click here.

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