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How to Start Taking More Control Over Your Own Life

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With the first half of 2021 already over, you may be starting to revisit your original new year’s resolutions. Maybe you’re proud of yourself for accomplishing some of those different goals, maybe you feel like you haven’t changed at all. Regardless of where you’re at, there are little things you can do right now to help yourself move towards the life changes you want to make.

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Set Goals for Yourself

According to MindTools, one of the best places to start when it comes to making positive life changes is with goal setting. Sit down and think about the things you want to accomplish. Be sure to think about a specific time frame in which you hope to accomplish those goals.

Then, be willing to slim down your list to a few of the things that are the highest priority to you. If you are working on one or two goals at a time and make a specific plan to achieve them, you’ll be much more likely to find success than if you try to focus on ten different things at once.

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Avoid Toxic Relationships

While setting personal goals is essential to your growth as an individual, it’s also important that you recognize the huge influence your relationships have on your quality of life. Think about the different friends and family members you have and try to gauge how healthy those relationships are. Learn to recognize patterns of toxicity.

Being aware of these signs and learning how to respond in situations of abuse is so important. According to Bradley Corbett Defense Lawyer, about twenty Americans are victimized by domestic violence every minute. Abuse is so prevalent; it is not unlikely that you could eventually find yourself in an abusive relationship.

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Focus on Consistency

Finally, focus on consistency. According to Sarah Mozingo, developing consistency across your habits and goals will be a huge key in seeing positive change in your life. Be willing to make sacrifices for your overall quality of life like deciding to stay in one night to get your work done and go to bed on time. Sometimes, it’s hard to make the “adult” decisions, but doing so consistently will help you see gradual but meaningful growth in yourself.

As you think about yourself and where you are at in life, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by all that you want to do. Take a deep breath. Be gentle with yourself and focus on taking small steps forward.

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