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The Do's and Don'ts of Sleeping

The way you feel after a good night's rest can make all the difference in your day. Did you know that lack of sleep has been linked to high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, obesity? But there are also some things about sleep that aren't so great! There are certain habits and practices that can be damaging to your health if done before bedtime or staying up late at night. This post will give you the do's and don'ts of sleeping for better overall wellness.

woman asleep on stomach

How much sleep should you get each night?

The first thing to do when sleeping is to make sure you are getting enough sleep. Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, but this varies with age! For instance, newborns can sleep up to 18 hours a day, while adults over the age of 65 usually only get around five or six hours at night. If you're having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep for more than 30 minutes during the middle of the night (and not because your teenage son won't stop snoring), it's okay to take some herbal supplements like melatonin or valerian root before bedtime.

Napping too often is also bad for your health! Therefore, no more than 20-30 minutes per day should be taken in total if napping is part of your daily routine. The best way to get a good night's rest each night is by making sure you are practicing healthy habits before bedtime, not after it! Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime; these stimulants increase cortisol levels which keep you up when you should be snoozing away. Instead, create a relaxing atmosphere with calming scents like lavender or chamomile tea; this will help ease stress and allow for better breathing patterns during sleep.

phone do not disturb

What are the benefits of putting your phone away a while before bedtime?

If you're reading this on your phone before bedtime, that's okay! The best way to get a good night's rest is by getting into the habit of doing it. And yes, putting away all electronic devices can help with falling asleep faster and better quality sleep overall. In addition, the light from these devices can suppress melatonin levels, which is the hormone that enables you to fall asleep.

smiling baby asleep on back

What is the best position to sleep in?

The best position to sleep in is the one that works for you! For example, some people prefer sleeping on their back or stomach, while others are more comfortable with a side sleeper position. The healthiest position to sleep in is on your back. This aids with breathing and circulation since the body's weight isn't pressing down on any major organs while you rest. Another best sleeping position is side-sleeping, especially if you are a stomach sleeper! If this doesn't work for you, though, several other options are available, including using pillows under knees or between legs depending on how comfortable they make you feel. You can also visit one of your local Chiropractors if you’re experiencing back pain each morning so they can get to the root of the problem and give you some great tips as well.

holding remote watching tv at night

What are some things to avoid before bedtime?

Some of the worst habits include staying up late at night and drinking too much caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime! Watching TV for hours on end has been linked to insomnia as well. These bad behaviors will only keep your mind active instead of relaxing it so that falling asleep becomes a struggle each night.

If you're having trouble falling asleep every day, no matter what time you go to sleep, talk with your doctor about how lack of sleep could affect all aspects of your life in negative ways.

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