Cassandra Schmigotzki

Apr 2, 20182 min

Too Busy to Eat Healthy? This One's for You

Eating healthy can be pretty hard when you're always on the go. When you're running short on time in the morning, it's almost impossible to cut up fruits or prepare a healthy omelet. And there aren't very many fast food options that are healthy.

However, there are a few tips that can help you incorporate eating healthy into your busy lifestyle. You can start small by adding one or two of the tips into your schedule or use all of them to completely transform the way you eat.

Smoothie Freezer Bags

To save time in the morning, the night before, cut up enough fruits and vegetables for 1-2 servings of a smoothie and place them in a ziplock bag. Get started with these 11 tasty recipes. Then put the ziplock bag filled with the ingredients in the freezer. The next morning, grab a smoothie bag, place the ingredients in a blender, add water or milk, pour into a travel cup, and go! Smoothies are a great way to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet with very little effort (The Foodwright Smoothies). You could even choose a day to prepare the freezer bags for the whole week, which leads to the next tip.

Meal Prep

Choose a night on the weekend to plan, shop for, and prepare all of your meals for the week. This can save you a lot of time, as well as a lot of money (52 Tips for Eating Healthy). Pre-cook your meat and sides, chop up vegetables, and store them in your fridge. Putting the meals together beforehand will make sure you don't have to resort to eating out and grabbing fast food on your busy days.

Invest in a Crock-Pot

Crockpots make meal-prepping 100x easier. A crock-pot can allow you to cook healthy stews and soups with minimal effort, even when you're on the run! You can even find crock-pots that can be controlled with an app on your smartphone. All you have to do is put in the ingredients, set the timer, and go about your day.

Buy Pre-Chopped Vegetables & Fruits

Who wants to spend 20 minutes chopping fruits and vegetables when there are a million other things that need to be done? Meal prepping can be a lot easier and quicker if you purchase fresh produce from the supermarket that is already cut for you.

As you can see it is possible to save time and even money by choosing healthier eating habits. These tips can have you eating healthy and nutritious foods during your busiest weeks. But when you’re constantly on the go, you can burn out if you’re not careful. Download my free eBook, 5 Simple Stress Reduction Tips for Successful Living, today!

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