Cassandra Schmigotzki

Nov 15, 20192 min

The Mental Health Crisis: What Can I Do?

Mental health issues aren't one single disorder, nor do they only affect one class of people. People of all ages and from all walks of life can suffer from mental health issues, but certain mental health issues can be more prevalent in women. Knowing how you can be part of the cure for mental illness is the first step to helping yourself or those in need.


Depression doesn't discriminate. It can appear out of the blue, even without reason. What seemed like a case of the blues can quickly transform into chronic depression and anxiety. Approximately 40 percent of all adults in the U.S. suffer from depression every year. But the signs of depression aren't always obvious. While some people may feel a little down, others sink into a depressive episode that prevents them from performing activities of daily living. Supporting someone starts with empathy. It's never okay to say it's no big deal. Depression is a serious condition that often warrants medical intervention.


Dementia affects about 44 million people worldwide, and the numbers are growing. Unfortunately, one of the symptoms of dementia is chronic depression. People suffering from dementia can have periods of being lucid, which means they often know that they're losing cognitive abilities. They are dealing with knowing that one day they may not remember their own name. This can lead them on a downward spiral into depression and anxiety. Caring for someone with dementia is never easy. Watching your loved one gradually lose their memory and possibly the ability to breathe on their own is heartbreaking. Education is crucial in learning how to care for some suffering from dementia.

Practice Compassion

Mental health issues can include anything from mild forms of anxiety and depression to severe cases of schizophrenia. Without treatment, most mental health problems can have a negative impact on the individual's quality of life. Do you know someone facing mental health challenges? Remember that, as with any medical condition, being compassionate goes a long way. No one asks to suffer from a mental health issue, so as a primary caretaker or friend, it's important to support those in need with kindness. While this alone won't always rectify the issue, someone struggling with mental health issues is in pain and needs all the love and support you can give.

Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Learn what the signs and symptoms of mental health issues are so that you can help someone in need. You never know who's hurting.

Here’s another article you might like: 4 Ways to Live a Healthier Life

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