Found and Bliss

Aug 31, 20193 min

Here it is again, it’s September.

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

For anyone who is busy getting children ready for a new school year, getting themselves ready to stand in-front of new group of students, or someone like me who has spent a career in education… the new year starts in September. Regardless, September is often a beginning of something.

Sometimes it’s exhilarating, sometimes its anxiety ridden, and most often it's a combination of these two.

I know quite a few people who say that the fall is historically when they 'fall' ill. I am a firm believer that our body knows when to retreat, bolster up with good eating, get some rest and clear our thoughts for a fresh start. With this in mind, it is no wonder that many of us succumb to the blues, whether stricken by the passing flu (physical) or hiding under a blanket (emotional).

Let’s see if these (few) tips can help us stay centered and instead enjoy the change of the seasons and the fresh start it can bring into our lives.

1. Remember that you’ve done this before!

Yes, it’s hectic, exhausting, and can leave us with plastic smiles on our faces. But, we’ve done it before. We’ve wiped the tears of a six year old, bought the coolest new locker item for our teenager and perhaps bought ourselves a new suit to start the job we’ve been waiting for.

You survived those experiences. This is a good time to give ourselves credit for what we’ve managed over the years.

2. Everyone finds change uncomfortable.

We need to set habits that are going to support the changes coming our way. Sit down for a moment and think/write (I’m the proverbial list-maker) on how we can simplify our lives. Maybe Johnny would be just as happy enrolled in only ONE activity this fall. This will allow him to get used to his new grade and just be mellow. Maybe, every Friday your family eats the left-overs in the fridge or each make their own grilled cheese/bologna or egg sandwich. Friday could be a good day to just ditch the rules. It’s okay!

3. Sit down with your tribe and ask them what they need and what they can do to help. (And then listen.)

Brilliant ideas come from our little ones. Children suddenly grow, likewise they sometimes mature. Our child who used to cling to you now wants to take her book and read alone before bedtime. She might also not need you to help brush her teeth before her alone time.

Someone told me once how their eighteen year old liked to crank up the music and vacuum! Can you imagine? I’d listen to any blaring music if someone volunteered to vacuum for me.

With time comes growth. With changes, we're all learning to balance again. Let’s all just “chill” this month, trust in ourselves and see what September will bring.



Gail Williamson writes at Found and Bliss about the mystery and magic encountered each day. At , she shares inspirational words from the side streets of life, words that encourage and make you ponder. Gail has spent a career in fostering mindfulness and self-improvement and is now devoting her time to writing full-time. She fuels her pursuit of life-long learning with good conversation, great coffee and red wine, deep reading, yoga, making jewelry and hopes that you will join her for the ride. We are all connected! Keep looking. When you find it, make it better ©. You can find Gail at Found and Bliss on FB, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
