Cassandra Schmigotzki

Feb 16, 20192 min

3 Heath Issues All Women Should Understand

As a woman, you should be aware of the most pressing health issues that women face today. Especially as we age, we need to take better care of our bodies, but there are many women's health concerns that can affect women and girls in their 20s or teens. Here are three major health concerns that you should be aware of for yourself and the other women in your life.


Osteoporosis occurs when the bone density becomes less, leading to brittle bones that fracture more easily. This brittleness occurs when there is an imbalance between the two types of bone formation. Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men partially because our bones are thinner. Another reason is the drop in estrogen as we hit menopause. If calcium or phosphate levels are out of line, you might experience bone loss too.

One of the best ways to decrease the risk of osteoporosis is to avoid extreme diets, which can deprive the body of essential minerals. You should also make sure that you get plenty of calcium.

Source: Everyday Health


UTIs account for 8.1 million visits to health care providers each year. The acronym stands for urinary tract infection, and it affects women more than it does men. A UTI is any kind of infection that affects the lower urinary tract. It usually causes abdominal pain, but it's treated with antibiotics when it hasn't spread very far. UTIs are caused by bacteria that enter through the urethra. If it's not caught quickly enough the infection can spread to the kidneys and other organs.

UTIs can be prevented by drinking plenty of liquids, especially cranberry juice, and wiping from front to back after urinating.

Source: MD Proactive

Heart Disease

There are many kinds of heart diseases, and, although heart disease affects plenty of men, you shouldn't be fooled into thinking that it doesn't affect women. Smoking, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and being overweight are some of the primary factors that increase the likelihood of having heart disease.

To decrease the likelihood of heart problems later in life, women and girls should avoid smoking, ensure that they're getting exercise at least a few times per week, and try to maintain a healthy weight.

Source: Go Red for Women

There are many diseases that both men and women can have, but there are some diseases that women are more prone to. Conversely, there are some diseases that people associate with being men's diseases, such as heart disease, but those health issues actually kill as many women as they do men. If you're a woman who's looking for some ways to improve your health, get back to the basics and take charge of some of these simple health concerns that are common to women.

Taking care of your body is about progress, not perfection. Start your journey with me today!

#healthyliving #osteoporosis #hearthealth
