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4 Things Everyone Should Do This Year

The start of the year can be a little nerve-wracking. After all, it's more than just a new chapter in your life - it's a new book entirely, and it can be hard to know exactly where the story will go moving forward. However, instead of finding this daunting try to focus on the positives. A new year brings with it new opportunities - and who knows what you can achieve!

If you want to make 2022 the year you hit your goals, don't let these opportunities escape you - make the most of them! With that in mind, here are four things that everyone should do this year.

couple in kitchen cooking

Experiment in the kitchen. Whether you're in charge of your family's Thanksgiving dinner or usually stay far away from all areas of food prep, developing your culinary skills is an excellent use of your time in the new year. This is because it will help you build a better relationship with food and ensure that you stick to any health-related goals you've set for yourself. Learning to cook is also great for those who love entertaining, as you'll be able to impress any guests who come through your door. For example, if you were hosting a dinner party and would usually be inclined to reach for the takeout menu, you could instead try out this slow cooker green beans recipe.

habits to be made in green neon

Cut out bad habits. While it can be hard to cut bad habits out of your life, it's also a great way to start putting yourself first and can work wonders on both your health and happiness. Therefore, whether you're trying to quit smoking or lower your alcohol intake, it's time to let go of any bad habits that are standing in your way. However, remember that these changes cannot occur with a simple snap of your fingers. On average, it can take around 3 months to entirely remove a habit from your life - but it can take longer, and you've got to be patient with yourself to reap the rewards.

love yourself

Learn to love yourself. We live in a world that consistently encourages us to think negatively about ourselves - whether we compare ourselves to Instagram models or the people we see on television. However, being aware of these behaviors and the hypocrisies of societal expectations will allow you to put self-love into action. If you learn anything this year - let it be this: you are beautiful exactly as you are. You do not need to change for anyone. You are worthy.

Woman facing sunset with stick overhead. When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out. - David Weatherford

Challenge yourself. When we are challenged, we are given the opportunity to grow as a person. This is because challenges teach us more about who we are and allow us to take steps towards who we want to become. Therefore, while they can sometimes be daunting, don't shy away from any challenges that come your way in 2022 - whether they occur in your personal or professional life. For example, if there is something you have always wanted to do, such as skydiving, but have always put it off, now is the time to take that leap.

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