Cassandra Schmigotzki

Sep 26, 20212 min

Understanding Lower Back Pain: The Biggest Physical Obstacle of All

When we’re trying to live a healthier lifestyle, we can find certain obstacles that get in the way. With regards to health and fitness, it seems that one of the biggest problems most of us experience is lower back pain. But while lower back pain is very common, when it comes to being the best possible version of you, how can you overcome this massive obstacle?

Understanding Your Symptoms

Sometimes the symptoms can be sudden or will appear gradually. Symptoms of lower back pain include stiffness, problems with your posture, or if you strained your back during an activity, as well as issues like sciatica. It is so important to remember that many chiropractic care service providers can help you address the root cause of your problem and fix the issue in the short term, but the best thing for you to do is to address your root cause first and then find the best solutions.

Finding the Best Treatments

Medical professionals recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain but there are also things that you could do, depending on the root cause. For example, if the problem stems from posture, you could fix your posture through a couple of methods. You could wear a posture corrector. While it isn't comfortable, to begin with, it can slowly help you. Another approach is to purchase a lower back pain reliever- a little platform that you can lie on which extends your spine. When we extend our spine, we can almost immediately feel relief. But if you are experiencing lower back pain like this, you are best addressing the things in your life that cause you significant lower back pain. If you sit at a desk all day, it might be time to invest in a standing desk.

Methods to Prevent Lower Back Pain

While you cannot prevent lower back pain stemming from structural problems in the spine or disease, if your lower back pain comes from overexertion, there are a few simple things you can do to reduce your risk of getting a back injury:

  • Strengthening your abdominal muscles. We can forget that our abdominal muscles are key to protecting our spine. Having a strict regime of exercises that strengthen your core, such as pilates will strengthen those core muscles, and you will start to feel the support in your lower back.

  • Maintaining a healthy weight. Any excess weight is going to place pressure on our discs and vertebrates. Ensuring that you have a healthy BMI is going to make a massive difference.

  • Lifting with the right form. This is especially true if you go to the gym and try to lift heavy all the time. You have to lift with your legs, not your back, and make sure that you do not twist when you are lifting.

It's so important that we all look after our back, especially if we want to get stronger. Lower back pain is the biggest obstacle of all in many ways, and we need to overcome it.
