Cassandra Schmigotzki

Oct 15, 20213 min

Self Motivation vs External Motivation

Motivation is what keeps us all alive. It’s what encourages us to chase goals and find happiness. However, we all have our different sources of motivation. These sources of motivation can be separated into two main types: intrinsic motivation (self motivation) and extrinsic motivation (external motivation).

What’s the difference?

Self motivation involves listening to our inner voice. It involves doing things solely because we want to do them - not for the sake of other people. Self motivation tends to be heavily guided by feelings. Our level of self-motivation depends on how much of a self critic we are and how well we’re able to solve our own problems.

External motivation involves being guided by other people or various external information. It can motivate us into doing things we don’t necessarily want to do. External motivation can be guided by feelings such as happiness, fear or anger. It could also be heavily based on hard data such as a study or a report. Our level of external motivation depends very much on how high we place our own desires above the needs of others.

People with low esteem tend to be more externally motivated. Those who are egotistical may be largely self-motivated. In most cases, it’s important to have a balance between the two.

When to seek out self motivation

Do you constantly let other people dictate your life? Do you feel that you’ve achieved few accomplishments of your own? If so, you could be in need of some self motivation.

Self motivation is important for our own happiness and our own sense of worth. It can help us to live our lives on our terms. Sometimes self motivation can be selfish. However, it can also be a way of helping others if you feel people around you have made the wrong decisions.

You can become more self motivated by regularly taking time to list your strengths and achievements. You should also spare time for your passions. All in all, try to practice some self love and you will become more self motivated.

When to seek out external motivation

Do you keep making the wrong decisions? Do these decisions negatively affect other people who then resent you? If so, it could be time to embrace more external motivation.

External motivation is important for making calculated decisions that rely on facts or simply other people’s opinions rather than going off your instincts. It could include anything from basing decisions off of analytical data or basing decisions off of retrograde planets. Seeking external motivation can be a way of showing value for other people. It can also allow you to relieve some of the responsibility of making your own decisions.

You can find external motivation by talking to other people and by doing online research. Try seeking out professional advice while also confiding in personal advice. You can also seek out external motivation by reading books, watching videos and by consuming art.

Finding the right balance

The most successful people rely both on self motivation and external motivation. They follow their personal desires while also taking into account the desires of others. They weigh up their instincts with hard facts. In doing so, they’re able to constantly make the right decisions.

When setting a goal, always try to be self motivated and externally motivated. Learn to build your self esteem, while also reining in your ego.
