Found and Bliss

Nov 21, 20192 min

Say Hello to Ten

World Hello Day is on November 21. It was started as a global experience to break down barriers and open the doors to peace and understanding. Using communication instead of conflict, we have the ability to heal wounds, ask for or give forgiveness, and just plain say hello.

We can reach out and World Hello Day gives us a reason.

One of the suggestions is to Say Hello to Ten. Now for some of us this could be a little more challenging, we could be shy, retired, or sad. Or maybe we think we’re just too busy?

Skip Prichard gives us 29 Ways to Celebrate World Hello Day, and regardless of our circumstance some of these are going to fit into our life. Say Hello today to make the world a little more kind and a lot more friendly. If we all stopped to give a little piece of our smile, who knows what we would learn from…

- The bearded fellow who will surely be shoveling the snow in front of our condo in the morning.
(He whistles while he works.)

- The gal who always chats as she hands me my coffee. (She must love her job!)

- The elderly neighbour struggling with his grocery bags. (How long has he been on his own?)

- Or the teenager at the fitness centre who hands me my drop-in yoga pass. (Does he also go to

I’ll be looking for these four tomorrow and for six more.

Although I live in a city known for its friendliness, I have been known to be too rushed to slow down. But tomorrow, I’ll be brave and say Hello first.

Let’s be mindful on World Hello Day, let’s expect nothing back but still give with an open heart. Say Hello to Ten, the words you hear back help us connect to each other.

Because all of us want to meet someone who cares. And it all starts with a Hello.

#hello #friendliness

Gail Williamson writes at Found and Bliss about the mystery and magic encountered each day. At , she shares inspirational words from the side streets of life, words that encourage and make you ponder. Gail has spent a career in fostering mindfulness and self-improvement and is now devoting her time to writing full-time. She fuels her pursuit of life-long learning with good conversation, great coffee and red wine, deep reading, yoga, making jewelry and hopes that you will join her for the ride. We are all connected! Keep looking. When you find it, make it better ©. You can find Gail at Found and Bliss on FB, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
