Cassandra Schmigotzki

Jun 1, 20214 min

Looking After Yourself as You Age

As you age, focusing on your health becomes far more important. You need to make sure that you are taking the right steps to keep your body and your mind healthy. In doing so you can avoid some of the more significant complications that can affect you later in life. Let’s look at some of the best ways to look after yourself as you get older. You can also find a good amount of information at

Stay Healthy

First, you need to make sure that you are taking the right steps to stay healthy. As you age, it’s fair to say that you are more likely to develop certain health issues including significant or serious problems that could impact you both physically and mentally. For instance, dementia becomes far more likely as you age as does problems such as arthritis.

If you do start to develop issues with your health, then it’s important that you get treatment immediately. The first step to ensuring this is to arrange regular health checkups. Ideally, you should be getting your health checked about once every six months once you reach a certain age. You might also need medicine. This could be important if you are suffering from an issue like chronic pain. Chronic pain is often incurable but it can be treated if you take the right medicine.

It is worth noting that medicine you receive from the doctors isn’t always the right choice. You can think about using alternative medicine such as herbs. Certain herbs such as CBD are proven to be highly effective at treating issues with chronic pain.

Exercise Regularly

Next, you should make sure that you are exercising on a regular basis. You need to make sure that you take the time to exercise about once a day and try to get into a solid habit of doing this. If you start a habit of exercise it becomes an almost subconscious choice that you don’t need to think about or dwell on. You might want to consider using the resources at your fingertips to do this. There’s lots of great tech on the market that will allow you to manage and monitor your exercise routine.

It’s important to note that exercise doesn’t need to be strenuous. Gentle exercise can be just as effective and provide many of the same benefits. A key benefit of gentle exercise is that you avoid the risk of causing an injury or damaging a key part of your body which will stop you from exercising for days, weeks or even months. That’s a problem because research shows that inactivity can be more damaging to your health than smoking a pack of cigarettes each day.

Keep Your Mind Active

The mind is like a muscle. If you don’t stretch it and exercise it regularly, then you are going to find that it starts to ache and develops issues. It might feel a little stiff when you try to use it and you could develop long term issues. For instance, research shows that if your brain is inactive for long periods, then you are more likely to develop conditions such as dementia.

So, how do you keep your mind active? Well, there are lots of possibilities that you can explore here. For instance, we recommend that you think about focusing on puzzles. You can find lots of fun puzzles online that will test your brain. You can also still watch TV to test and tease your brain. You just need to make sure that you are watching shows where you do need to pay attention and concentrate. For this reason crime dramas can be great because you can try and work out who the killer is. You can also mix physical activities with mental activities, such as by exploring arts and crafts.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Occasionally in old age things just get a bit too much. When this happens there are services out there to give guidance and a much needed helping hand. If you can no longer stay in your own home due to ongoing health issues or care needs then a long term care center such as the may be able to help.

Stay In Touch With Friends

Finally, it’s important to remain social as you get older. You need to make sure that you are staying connected to friends and family members alike. One of the things that can stop you from doing this is issues with your mobility. If you are worried about this, then you should make sure that you speak to a doctor to find out which coping mechanisms are available. You should also make sure that you are relying on those around you to get out, see people, engage and interact. Day centers are a great place to meet like minded people and take part in various activities throughout the day, they quite often provide a meal as well.

Do note that there are various physical issues that can stop you from interacting and staying in touch with friends. For instance, you might have a problem with your hearing. If that’s the case then it can be awkward and embarrassing to make conversations which can stop you from bothering to try. One of the ways that you can deal with this is by speaking to an audiologist. They will assess your issue and ensure that you are provided with the right treatment or support, usually in the form of hearing aids.

There is another way you can stay in touch with friends of course. For instance, you might want to think about using technology. Technology can be difficult to wrap your head around at first, but there are lots of guides that can set you on the right path here.

I hope this helps you understand some of the key steps you can take to ensure that you are looking after yourself the right way as you get older. If you take the necessary steps here, then you’ll be able to guarantee that you don’t end up in a situation where you miss out on what should be some of the best years of your life.
