Cassandra Schmigotzki

Jun 6, 20182 min

It's Not About Where You Are or Where You're Going; It's About Where You Could Be

Ladies, have you ever found yourself in a situation where your health and fitness levels, or lack thereof, smacked you in the face? Maybe you were trying on that beautiful dress only to find it was far too snug. Or perhaps a big event is coming up where you'll be required to dress up, but have nothing to wear? But more importantly, maybe you have a family and friends that you want to spend numerous years with, getting old and laughing all the way into maturity.

Whatever the case may be, it can be a struggle, and there will be inevitable obstacles along the way. Although hardships are a necessary evil in life, your past does not define you as a woman. It instead molds you into a powerful, fierce and tough girl that can tackle anything with intimidating strength.

Leave Your Past at the Door

The biggest obstacle that prevents us from becoming the woman we envision in our mind is, without a doubt, our necessity to cling to the past. Ask yourself this: How many conversations with your girlfriends revolve around an event or situation that happened years ago? Although these topics of discussion may seem trivial, they hold a powerful grip on our psyche and act as a handicap on progression. To put it bluntly, let that junk go!

If you see something posted on social media from the past, let it go. Don't get jealous of your friends posting a picture of a vacation or other exciting activity. These posts can be misleading of what is going on. Live your life the way you want to and the way that will make you happy. It’s about maintenance of homeostasis and removal of withdrawal symptoms that may come from seeing those posts. These are essential in leaving your past at the door and moving forward.

Every second is another opportunity to change yourself and your overall wellness. Improving your health does not take years of dedication and mental strength -- it takes seconds. When a woman makes up her mind, enough is enough! Stop dabbling in self-improvement and dive in headfirst. Although taking a plunge into the deep end is often intimidating and nerve-wracking, it's essential.

Get a Support Group

For real, tangible change to occur in your lifestyle, you'll need the help and support of those around you. Find a group of friends that will join the journey of becoming fit with you. When you find yourself falling weak and giving into temptation, they'll be there to save you. Trainers have long known about the power of working in numbers and its positive influence of weight loss and exercise. An article over at NBC recently dove into the psychology of working in unison with people towards a common goal. Shockingly, personal trainers and health experts revealed that not only does having a partner help in fitness endeavors; they actively encourage it!


#past #oldhabits #newhabits #happiness
