Cassandra Schmigotzki

Sep 28, 20213 min

How to Cut Out Bad Habits in Your Life

Most people have some sort of bad habit, but some are worse than others and they are definitely things you should try and cut from your life. Things like alcohol, drugs and smoking are bad habits you should cut from your life and you should do so before you end up needing addiction treatment, as that can end up being really life-changing if you take too long to cut those. Then there are things like overeating or not eating enough, these are things that are bad for you and habits that should be cut but can be just as hard. It is definitely tough to cut bad habits if you do not know how so hopefully, these few tips will help you to break your bad habits and cut them from your life.

Understand what your bad habits are

Start by identifying what your bad habits are. This is a tough thing to do, as what it does is open your eyes to what they may have done to your life so far and what they are and this can be a little overwhelming. It can be so easy to ignore or not think about a bad habit no matter what it is, from drinking to overeating that is why it can be hard to then open your eyes to it, as then you are admitting it is an issue, but you have to take this step before you can kick the habit. You then work through your habits one at a time and a small bit at a time. There is no point in trying to rush it as this will set you up to fail and lead you to go back to square one.

Understand what your triggers are

Once you know what habits you are looking to cut you can now begin to understand them and pick them apart. You need to focus on it, maybe look back when you have done it, and see what caused you to do it. If it is smoking then think about what made you pick up the pack and smoke...was it stress, just craving the nicotine or did you just enjoy it? Because understanding all the triggers will help you to manage those triggers and know what you need to do to start breaking the habit.

Add steps to stop you from wanting to do it

Adding in steps to avoid engaging in the bad habit will help to make it a more negative experience in time this makes you not want to do it anymore or as much. So going back to the smoking, if you make it so you do not buy the cigarettes and have to go to the store when you crave one, this will mean you have to think about having one, giving you time to calm down or think about what you are doing. This then means that in time you are going to realize it is easier to just not smoke than it is to actually do it by making it harder work to even do it.

If you struggle with bad habits which a lot of people do and you are looking to cut that habit and break it then these few tips should help you to start breaking your bad habits. It is not going to be instant and will be tough, you may even fail a couple of times but you need to perceive and you will get to your goal.
