Cassandra Schmigotzki

Feb 24, 20192 min

How Self-Image Can Affect Your Life and Dreams of Success

Dreams of success don’t mean a lot unless you can bring those dreams alive and turn them into opportunities. If your dreams of success always end with doubts about being able to make them come true, it’s time to improve your self-image so you can believe in yourself and move on to the success you desire and deserve.

A skewed self-image can make you lose out on some of life’s sweetest experiences. Replacing that self-image with one that you can be proud of and relate to can serve to enhance your life in the following ways – and more:

  • More enjoyment of life – When you experience life from a point of belief in yourself, you’ll enjoy life so much more and be able to live your life more fully.

  • Be motivated to achieve – A strong, positive self-image can make all the difference in motivation that will fuel your personal growth and make those dreams a reality.

  • Break patterns of failure – An improved self-image means that you’re growing from what you learned from you mistakes/failures. You can finally break away from those bad habits that have been keeping you down and live a happy life again.

Just as a positive self-image can enhance your life, so can a negative self-image keep you down and from achieving success by making the dreams come true. Here are some ways a low self-image can sabotage your life:

  • Irrational or distorted view of yourself – A negative self-image means that you’re tell yourself how unworthy, unlovable, incompetent and unacceptable you are. It has nothing to do with reality – but only about what you’re telling yourself that’s keeping you from success.

  • Make poor choices – When you feel that you’re unworthy, you tend to make poor choices such as choosing to stay in a bad relationship or job. Everything you do is self-defeating.

  • Unhappiness, depression and failures – No one can be truly happy if she is suffering from low self-image. Depression can set in and then it’s even more difficult to get out of the rut and see yourself as successful.

Poor self-image can permeate every area of your life and can result in becoming highly critical – both of yourself and others – and in having poor judgment about decisions you must make in life.

Low self-esteem affects millions of people and can destroy lives unless dealt with. If you suspect you’re suffering from a low self-image, get help and find out how you can work to boost how you view yourself – and boost your enjoyment of life.

#selfimage #success
