Cassandra Schmigotzki

Jul 27, 20212 min

5 Great Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy in Your 20s

Taking care of your eyes is essential, especially if you are young and there is a lot of life in them. To do a good job, excel in school, drive safely, and do a whole heap of other things, your vision should be good. In addition, some jobs such as driving require you to have a good vision; thus, it is essential to keep your eyesight at its best and, if need be, have it corrected.

Many people like myself get prescribed corrective lenses to help correct their vision. If you wear glasses or contacts, it's essential to take good care of them. Taking some precautions can increase the lifespan and improve the comfort of your eyewear.

Yearly eye exams are essential for maintaining healthy vision and catching any issues early on. But besides eye checkups, there are things you can do to preserve your eyesight in your 20s. Here are some tips:

Visit the Optician Regularly

Eye doctors recommend seeing an optometrist once a year for an eye exam. It's essential to take good care of your eyes so they can last you throughout your lifetime.

And regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining eye health and catching any issues early on. They are also beneficial to get the best available treatment. For instance, if you have ptosis which is a swelling of the eyelid, you can get recommended to take ptosis eyedrops.

Eat a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good overall health. It can also have an impact on your eyesight. Eye doctors advise eating foods rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, and antioxidants - all of which are crucial for strengthening the structures that allow you to see clearly.

And while keeping up with a healthy diet, it's important to limit intake of saturated fats and cholesterol. Studies have shown that an accumulation of fat in the eye area can lead to macular degeneration later in life.

Always Wear Sunglasses

Wear sunglasses or a visor when you're outside, especially during daylight hours. UV rays from sunlight can cause damage to your eyes, so it's essential to protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays. And remember, sunglasses aren't just for summer! UV protection is crucial all year round - and not just when you're on a sunny beach vacation.

Avoid Smoking

Sure, smoking might make you feel calm, but it can also seriously damage your vision over time. The chemicals found in cigarette smoke can wreak havoc on your eyes. So, if you enjoy smoking, try to quit for the sake of your eyes.

Use Safety Eyewear in Hazardous Jobs

If you work in professions such as construction or firefighting, where you are prone to injury (not to mention fires and explosions), you must wear safety eyewear. The eyewear protects your eyes from flying debris, dust, and even objects that pass through the air at high speed.

Eye exams are crucial for maintaining your eyesight and overall health. It's important to remember that wearing sunglasses, eating a nutritious diet, avoiding smoking, and wearing safety eyewear in hazardous jobs can help you maintain good vision and keep your eyes healthy in your 20s.
