Cassandra Schmigotzki

Jun 25, 20212 min

4 Day to Day Health Issues You Should Address

Day to day health is important because it affects your quality of life. Those big health conditions can of course affect day to day health but if, for example, you broke a leg then it gets seen to, fixed up and, in most cases, after a couple of months taking it easy you should be back to normal. Day to day health issues are different as they’re easier to put off. These are things that require proactive activity on your part to address but also may not be considered urgent. However, they are issues which affect your health and happiness on a daily basis.

Oral Health

Addressing these issues are pretty easy, but at the same time they’re easy to ignore. Even if it’s starting to hurt. Be regimented with your oral health. If you notice something off, it probably is. This might be a little pain somewhere in your mouth, constant bad breath or signs of gum disease. You should visit your dentist regularly of course, but if something comes up make an appointment. There’s nothing worse than bad toothache. Everything seems worse when it’s related to the mouth. It can ruin your week if you don’t get it seen to. You’ll be moody, angry, and unable to focus on tasks. Plus, if you leave it too long it might just end up getting worse.

Heart Palpitations

The odd palpitation can be normal. Especially when you’ve just worked out or done some exercise. However, if you’re noticing something regularly and often, it might be an anomaly that’s worth getting seen and sorted out. This is even more important if it’s causing a little bit of pain in your arm or chest. Get to the doctor and let them examine you. Waiting around is dangerous. Imagine something bad happens when you’re driving or doing something dangerous, you could end up hurting others too.

Joint Pain

Another annoying niggle that can really stop you doing the things you love most such as sports, exercise and just generally enjoying pain free movement. Joint pain is one of those things that’s pretty easy to ignore at first. It can get worse though and pretty nasty too. Address the issue as soon as you can to ensure that you retain full mobility and things don’t get worse. Joints will only wear over time, so don’t put it off.


These can be quite common and a lot of the time there will simply be nothing major which is wrong. However, if you find you’re getting pretty bad headaches all of the time you’ll know that there might be something wrong. Migraines can be utterly debilitating so try to get to the bottom of it. It could be something up with your vision, maybe you need an eye test. If not, have a chat with your healthcare professional and see if there are any tests they can run to see if there’s something which can be done. You don’t have to suffer, and medicating for pain relief could just be masking some other issue.
