Cassandra Schmigotzki

Oct 10, 20212 min

3 Ways Drinking Alcohol Can Impact Your Life

Drinking alcohol can impact your life in many ways. Many people drink socially, use it to unwind from their day, or as an escape from unwanted emotions. While drinking small amounts is okay, sometimes it can get out of hand. It is important to recognize the impact that alcohol has on your life to ensure you don’t lose control of your drinking habits.


For one, drinking alcohol can impact your relationships because of the effects it has on the body and specifically the brain. Alcohol makes you behave differently than when you are sober, making it hard for loved ones and friends when you do something you normally wouldn’t have. Your inhibitions are lower, meaning you may become violent, promiscuous, or participate in more risky behaviors. Alcoholism can particularly strain relationships, as deep dependence on alcohol becomes the most important thing in your life instead of people.


Alcohol can affect your employment when it starts impacting your job performance. In general, alcohol impairs your brain and slows the central nervous system. But if you’re intoxicated while working, this will make it hard to think clearly and perform job duties to the best of your ability. The use of alcohol can also influence future employment due to improper use. For example, in California, you can be charged with a DUI with a low BAC if the alcohol you’ve consumed has had enough of an impact to impair your judgment so that you are no longer safe to drive. A DUI on your record can significantly and negatively impact your future employment.


From a study published in The Lancet, the safest amount of alcohol you can consume is zero. Alcohol immediately affects the body by increasing heart rate and expanding blood vessels. It dehydrates you and irritates the intestines. The more you drink also puts a significant strain on the liver, which is where most of the alcohol is metabolized. Long-term health risks include heart damage, increased cholesterol, loss of brain matter, fatty liver disease, pancreatitis, lowered immune system, increased risk of cancer, and bone weakening.

While drinking is socially acceptable, and in some ways expected, it is important to be aware of your own drinking habits. Small amounts of alcohol are not harmful, but too much too often can have significant effects on your relationships, employment, health, and many other factors in your life. Being self-aware and keeping your drinking in check will ensure you can use it and not abuse it.

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