Cassandra Schmigotzki

Apr 30, 20212 min

3 Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Dental Health

Photo by soyfeliz2018 form PxHere

Everybody knows that good dental care is hugely important to ensure proper oral hygiene. Still, many things that you do in everyday life without a second thought could be damaging both your teeth and gum health. This post will draw attention to some of them, and suggest changes that you can make to improve your dental hygiene.

  1. Invest in some good quality metal/glass straws:

A lot of the surface stains that our teeth occur over time come from the things that we drink. Most people enjoy tea, coffee, and fruit juices on a regular basis; in moderation, all of them are perfectly healthy. Still, consuming them in excess, or drinking any of these drinks without a straw, can leave surface stains on our teeth over time. This is caused by the acid in the drinks, and can sometimes need professional treatment to be removed.

The best way to combat this, and enjoy your morning coffee or freshly squeezed orange juice guilt free, is to invest in some reusable straws. These can be bought from any major homeware retailer, and most are now dishwasher friendly.

2. Get in touch with an orthodontist:

It’s never too late to fix your smile. While it obviously isn’t necessary to have perfectly straight teeth to be happy in yourself, a crooked smile can lead to a multitude of dental problems. These range from cracked teeth, gum disease and tooth decay to jaw strain, joint disorder and chronic headaches.

Many put off contacting an orthodontist for years, thinking that their treatment is simply done for aesthetic purposes. However, if you are in the financial position to do so, then it is definitely the best thing to do for your dental health in the long run. If you don’t like the thought of wearing silver wired braces as an adult, most surgeries today can offer an Invisalign service that cannot be seen when worn over your teeth.

3. Always remember to floss:

So many have the same relationship with flossing. You take a trip to the dentist, they tell you that you need to floss more regularly, you do so for the next month, and then you just….forget. It can seem like an unnecessary extra step after taking the time to properly brush your teeth and use mouthwash, but flossing can really make a huge difference to overall dental health.

The simple process can work wonders at removing plaque and bacteria from in between the teeth where a toothbrush just can’t reach. It is also one of the best ways to prevent bad breath due to its ability to remove food debris from in between the teeth. Flossing is recommended by both the CDC and the ADA, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a dentist who doesn’t promote it.

These steps might seem simple, but they can make a huge difference when it comes to protecting your overall dental health in the long-run. While they appeal to everyone, it is important to always follow the advice of a dentist on your individual dental needs.
