Cassandra Schmigotzki

Feb 10, 20222 min

3 Simple Foods That Make for a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast has long been touted as being the most important meal of the day. Whether you buy into that statement or not is up to you. It may be true for some, but less so for others. What holds more truth in regards to breakfast is that what you eat is what is most important. Fortunately, a healthy breakfast doesn’t have to be complex. There are some simple foods that can be great breakfast options.


Oatmeal is classic breakfast food. It’s pretty simple, as all you have to do is add water and cook it. Of course, not all oatmeal is created equal. In order to get the most bang for your buck in terms of nutrition, skip the instant oatmeal and go for steel-cut oats instead. The instant oatmeal varieties tend to have more sugar, whereas the steel cut oats are higher in fiber and are lowest on the glycemic index. Not a fan of plain oatmeal? Try adding some fruit, Greek yogurt, honey, cinnamon, or berries to add some flavor.


Want protein for breakfast? The humble egg could be your new go-to breakfast food. Eggs contain both vitamin D and protein which makes them great for your teeth. That protein is also what helps make them so filling since it takes longer for your body to break it down. There are a ton of different ways to prepare eggs. Hard boiling or scrambling them are two of the easiest ways to cook them. You could also fry them or turn them into an omelet. Keep it simple with some salt and pepper, or add some vegetables to amp up the nutrient content.


Fruit may be the simplest breakfast there is. There are a ton of different fruits to choose from, and most don’t really require much effort to prepare. You could peel a banana or an orange. Other fruits, like berries, grapes, and apples simply need to be washed off before they’re ready to eat. Whole fruits (as opposed to fruit juice) offer a wealth of vitamins and nutrients, including fiber. Eat the fruit on its own or add it to other breakfast foods like yogurt, cereal, or granola for extra nutrition. You could even blend it up to make your own homemade breakfast smoothie.

A healthy breakfast doesn’t have to be complex or take ages to make. Simple foods like oatmeal, eggs, and fruit can give you the fuel you need to get your day off to a good start. There are plenty of other simple, healthy foods out there you can choose from too. You might try things like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or whole-wheat toast. Change it up from day to day so you can enjoy all the benefits of eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet.

Read this next: How to Eat More Vegetables for Better Health
