Cassandra Schmigotzki

Sep 19, 20212 min

3 Obstacles in Your Way of a Healthier Lifestyle

New Year’s resolutions, summer fitness goals, scheduling doctor appointments—people try to commit themselves to a healthier life all the time. If you’re like the vast majority, setting goals and appointments are a lot easier than actually following through. There are a lot of obstacles in the way of a healthier lifestyle, and the only way to truly commit yourself is to first work around or through these problems. Here are three very common obstacles you should focus on!


A general constraint, regardless of your lifestyle or income, comes down to finding time for staying healthy. People inevitably fill up every waking hour of their day doing something, so how do you include healthier habits and needed healthcare in—especially when there’s a lot more entertaining options? One of the best ways to exercise when you’re busy, Shape recommends, is to multitask. Look up workouts you can do at the office, or make it a social activity with friends. For needed appointments, clearing out a day off work to do multiple needed things besides just a doctor visit helps you feel more productive. For mental health, finding the quiet times in your life to reflect instead of scroll on a device does a lot of good all on its own.

Healthcare Costs

Another constraint some people face in trying to live healthy is the rising cost of healthcare. Insurance premiums are on the rise, and Xevant has pointed out that the high cost of drugs is stopping patients from refilling their prescriptions. If you’re facing a situation like this, there are resources to help you. Some people are simply paying too much monthly for the amount of coverage they actually need, while others suffer for having a low-coverage plan when they have to pay a lot out-of-pocket. Many online sites offer help comparing different insurance plans, so never just settle. For prescription drugs, look for discounted price cards and apps like GoodRx, and also ones that search all pharmacies in your area for comparable pricing.

Wrong Priorities

If your day feels overwhelming as it is, there is a good chance you are living a cluttered life. People often put in self-imposed constraints upon how much time they can have free each day, and that affects your health tremendouslyincluding how healthy your food is, according to Taste of Home. If you prioritize work over healthy meals, social clubs over enough sleep, or eat little instead of exercising more, there’s a good chance your lifestyle would become a lot healthier with a change in priorities.

Good health is hard to achieve, especially in a 9-to-5 mindset. Take the time to examine your life and the obstacles within it between you and better habits. You can make changes and find resources that will help tremendously!

A healthier body means a strong immune system. Check out my free guide to take charge of your health!
